From Psychology 2.0

HowTo: How does Psychology 2.0 work?

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Collaborative work in Psychology 2.0

By combining our knowledge we can find new solutions. Different viewpoints complement each other; integrative, all-in-one theories can emerge.

Psychology 2.0 is a wiki page that provides an easy-to-use interface enabling the community to work together. One can participate in this work on several different levels:

Scientific Statement of Psychology 2.0

The Psychology 2.0 is a science based project however uses alternative methodology to science.

What is "science based"?

How does the methodology of Psychology 2.0 differ?

Note: this method doesn't replace the scientific experimental testing. All the theories presented here should be tested in scientific experiences once. But the present method help us to boost up the psychological thinking and the quality of thinking.

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Page last modified on September 18, 2008, at 03:06 PM EST